Coasts and oceans

Impacts of shipping on the marine and coastal ecosystems

We often forget that the current structure of maritime transport has a significant impact on coastal ecosystems. This structure, obeying a centralized architecture, favors a network of a few large ports on every continent, to the detriment of a more distributed mesh, allowing the ports of medium and small to survive. The consequences of this global structure are manifold:

  • The sites of major ports are largely artificial, over hundreds of square kilometers, to the detriment of these environments are fragile and valuable coastal ecosystems.
  • Maritime transport calls over a considerable level surface transportation byf trucks crisscrossing the continents.
  • Ports of small and medium size see their activity stifled by unfair competition from major ports, whose negative costs are not internalized.

The association Rio +20 proposes to consider this issue through specific studies and experiments aiming at finding solutions that articulate a global perspective, the Great Transition, with solutions adapted to local regional and national contexts.

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